Betekenis van:
call into question
to call into question
- challenge the accuracy, probity, or propriety of
- The Commission has no cause to call into question that part of the aid as applied.
- The committee will not call into question the scientific judgement of appropriately qualified panels of experts.
- It could even call into question the cost-effectiveness of full agricultural censuses.
- The difference is not such as to call into question the compensation mechanism presented by France.
- No new element has been put forward that could call into question this initial assessment.
- The mere fact of being publicly owned did not call into question the possibility and value of restructuring the group.
- Furthermore, they do not call into question that Chinese imports are dumped and causing injury to the Community industry.
- (The Court’s judgment did not call into question the Commission’s conclusion that the aid was compatible with the common market).
- Other information included in labels should be limited to a minimum and should not call into question the main elements.
- Accordingly, it should be ascertained whether there are any new elements that call the preliminary analysis into question.
- The Commission does not call into question that the digitisation of broadcasting transmission is in the public interest.
- The Commission does not intend to call into question the compliance of the attribution procedure with the relevant national requirements.
- This would only be a ‘guesstimate’, however, which could be severely criticised and thus call the entire risk assessment into question.
- According to France, the observations of CFF and STIM do not call into question the applicability to the present case of the first and second Altmark conditions.
- This Article shall not call into question the allocation of the competences, at local or regional level, of the Member States' authorities granting authorisations.